Facebook 5 Ways Directional Lighting Can Transform Your Landscape

5 Ways Directional Lighting Can Transform Your Landscape

Posted by: Irrigation Outlet


When you take the time and effort to construct a beautiful landscape, it stands to reason that you’d want to showcase your creation. Directional landscape lighting is the perfect way to add that extra something special to the nighttime experience of your property.

1. Emphasize Height

Well-positioned directional landscape lighting moves the eye upward. Place directional lights so that the beam of light flows up the entire front of your home, with the last trailing light disappearing into the night sky.

2. Highlight Boundaries

When you’ve used hedges or fences to border your property, well lights or spotlights can be used to make an area feel safe and protected. Use several lights to highlight boundaries in the backyard or front yard to create a haven of privacy even on the darkest of nights.

3. Spotlight Whimsies

Have you created a special area with whimsical features like a paved seating area, outdoor fountain, garden bench, pond, or flowering shrubbery? These garden whimsies can garner the spotlight at night with thoughtfully placed Bullet-Spot directional lights.

4. Illuminate Paths

Carefully planned pathways deserve recognition, even at night. Illuminate paths like winding paved pathways, driveways and sidewalks with path lights that will help with nighttime navigation as well as transforming your property’s nightscape attraction.

5. Light Up Shadows

With directional lights, you can light up shadows around your property. This will help to alleviate any sense of the unknown or darkness around your property, which helps to give it a sense of warmth and comfort. For best results, install directional lights at night so you can easily identify areas that will benefit most.