Facebook 3 Mowing Tips Guaranteed to Help Your Grass Flourish

3 Mowing Tips Guaranteed to Help Your Grass Flourish

Posted by: Irrigation Outlet


Have you ever walked or driven by a dense green lawn and wondered how you can get your grass to look the same? A lot of it has to do with how you mow your lawn. While mowing might seem like a very straightforward task, it is actually an art-form. Here are 3 tips from Irrigation Outlet that are guaranteed to help your lawn stay healthy and green.

#1 Start With a Sharp Blade

When was the last time that you had your lawn mower blade sharpened? It is important to start with a nice sharp blade. Sharp blades lead to a cleaner, better-looking cut. They also help prevent fungal diseases in your lawn. A dull blade damages the edge of your grass, making it more susceptible to disease and pests. If you do notice signs of a fungal disease, make sure that you treat it promptly with a fungicide.

#2 Alternate Your Mowing Pattern

If you mow your grass in the same pattern week after week, it will lean in the direction that you mow it. To encourage upward, healthier growth, alternate your mowing pattern each time that you mow.

#3 Do Not Bag Clippings

If you bag your grass clippings because you think it looks neater, you might be right. However, you’ll end up with healthier grass by mulching as you mow. Leaving behind the grass particles on your lawn helps add healthy nutrients, such as nitrogen to your lawn.

For more lawn care tips, visit our blog. You can also contact us anytime for questions or concerns about your lawn.