Facebook 3 Essential Ingredients for a Killer Lawn - Irrigation Outlet

3 Essential Ingredients for a Killer Lawn

Posted by: Irrigation Outlet


If you want to have a lush, green lawn next spring, now is the time to prepare your lawn. With autumn’s occasional rainfall and cooler temperatures, your lawn is absorbing nutrients, moisture and energy to prepare for the long winter. There are a couple of easy things that you can do to get a head start on lawn care for the spring. Here are some ingredients for a killer spring lawn.

#1 Fertilizer

Your lawn can take a boost in nutrition throughout the year. However, the beginning of the spring season and before winter starts is the best time for fertilization. A regular fertilization program is a must. Applying a slow release fertilizer is still OK on warm season grasses. As fall approaches avoid high nitrogen fertilizers.

#2 Pre-Emergent Herbicide

If your lawn is taken over every spring by broadleaf weeds, now is the time to control them. Don’t wait until the spring when the weeds have a solid foothold in your lawn. By applying a pre-emergent herbicide in the fall, you’ll prevent the weeds from even showing up in the autumn. Most herbicides should be applied when the temperatures are above 60-degrees Fahrenheit. Choose a pre-emergent herbicide that has both trifluralin and isoxaben as the ingredients. These chemicals do an excellent job at preventing a variety of weeds from germinating.

#3 Fungicide

If you have the signs of a fungal lawn disease, such as large brown patches, you will need to apply a fungicide to treat them. For warm-season turfgrass, it is of particular importance to use fungicides in the fall for the best control.

For more information and lawn care tips, chat with the experts at Irrigation Outlet. They will quickly help you find the best products for your lawn care needs.