Facebook When is the Best Time to Prevent Weeds? - Irrigation Outlet

When is the Best Time to Prevent Weeds?

Posted by: Irrigation Outlet

Preventing weeds is vital for the health of the plants you grow. Those pesky plants suck the nutrients out of whatever you’re trying to grow. It’s possible to prevent them, but timing is everything.

1. Don’t Remove Them Before They’re Ready

Although weeds are underneath the soil waiting to ruin your garden, you don’t want to dig to find them. Let them remain under the soil because if you dig, you’re bound to find hidden weeds you didn’t even know existed. Instead, leave them there. Only dig when you have to, and when you do need to remove a weed, use a sharp knife with a narrow blade in order to decrease soil disturbance. By getting the weed at the root, you’re taking away its food source.

2. Start Early

You want to start early when applying chemicals to the plants to prevent weeds. At the beginning of spring is the ideal time. Any earlier, and you might be too early because the weeds aren’t even developing yet. Any later, you’re more than likely already infested with weeds.

3. Mulch

When you’re trying to prevent weeds, you may want to consider putting down mulch. It enhances the appearance of the area, especially when you opt for different colors. Mulch keeps the soil cool. This is ideal for plants since hot soil isn’t the optimal environment for plants. The mulch also helps prevent weeds. For instance, weeds require light to grow because that’s how they make food. By preventing sunlight, the weeds can’t grow. If you opt for organic mulch, it draws in carabid beetles and crickets, both of which devour weeds.
To find products for preventing and killing weeds, visit Irrigation Outlet’s site. Contact us today to learn more about how and when to start the process of weed prevention.