Facebook How can I keep water from pooling in my yard?

How can I keep water from pooling in my yard?

Posted by: Irrigation Outlet

Preventing water pooling

Whether it’s just a boggy part of your yard causing you concern or a miniature pond that forms every time it rains, dealing with pooling in your yard can seem like an unending problem. It causes an unsightly mess, weakens or kills off your grass and plants, and can even create a haven for mosquitoes or other yard pests. How do you fix water pooling in your yard? Drainage.

Though the simplest form of drainage involves cutting a drainage trough across your yard to a lower elevation or area where the water can run off, this type of drainage leaves ugly trenches, bare patches in your yard, and tripping hazards. How do you get the water to move without cutting a drainage trench in the surface? By creating a drainage zone beneath your yard to drain off excess moisture. Here are some types of sub-surface or surface-level drainage features that can help dry out your lawn:

  • A channel drain is perfect if you have water collecting in a fairly straight line for a relatively short distance. If the problem area is water draining onto your patio, for example, putting a channel drain at the patio’s boundary gives the water a place to go before your garden party is flooded out.
  • If you have a traditional pond shape with a small number of low areas, installing a grate or two to allow the water to drain will help remove it from the area while affecting a minimal amount of lawn space. We also have decorative grates available, helping them become part of the decor rather than a simple drainage feature.
  • If your drainage problem is widespread or is caused by a tight soil or hard pan or, corrugated drainage pipes are an excellent option to drain a large area quickly. It’s also very easy to install even if you need to follow a particular contour as it is very flexible.

Now that you’ve had a chance to determine which drainage style will work best for your situation, take some time to explore the options available on our website. For more information on some of the products available to best solve your lawn problems, browse through our section on drainage, or contact us for more information on our lawn solutions.