Facebook Why Aren't My Sprinkler Heads Popping Up?

Why Aren’t My Sprinkler Heads Popping Up?

Posted by: Irrigation Outlet

If you use an in-ground sprinkler system to keep your landscaping and vegetable garden healthy, you know how efficient such a system can be. You don’t have to worry about remembering to turn the water on and off. You don’t waste water by watering areas by hand that don’t need much water. And, you minimize the risk of fungus and insect damage by keeping the moisture closer to the ground. However, periodically, one or more of your sprinkler heads fail to emerge from the ground when called to water.


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Several things can cause your sprinkler heads to stay in the ground instead of popping up and spraying water as they are designed to do.

1. Issues with the sprinkler head itself. The most common reason for an individual sprinkler head to not react as it’s supposed to is damage to that particular head. Maybe a head was damaged by a lawn mower or tractor. Maybe a tree limb fell on it or even a dog leash or hose got tangled in the head while it was up. Usually, replacing the individual head will solve this problem.
2. Wiring issues. Another possible cause of your sprinkler heads failing to pop up on demand is an issue with your system’s wiring. If power isn’t getting to that portion of the system, the sprinkler head doesn’t get the message that it’s time to start watering. This is a job for a professional electrician.
3. Not enough water pressure. A third reason your sprinkler heads aren’t popping up is a lack of water pressure to a particular zone. This is likely the case if several, but not all, of your heads are working. You may need to create another zone or it could be as simple as the main shut off valve not being completely open.
To get all of the parts you need to keep your sprinkler system in good working order, contact Irrigation Outlet.