Facebook What is the best way to deal with storm water in my yard?

What is the best way to deal with storm water in my yard?

Posted by: Irrigation Outlet

Sprinklers on a lawn

Muddy yard have you down? A few changes to your landscaping can eliminate storm water problems.

When too much rain comes down, it can cause run-off and dampness in your yard. Storm water run-off doesn’t just make your yard unpleasant and muddy. It can, over time, cause many issues, including:

  • erosion
  • gullying
  • drowned plants
  • damage to foundations

Storm water that contains pollutants like motor oil, pesticides, fertilizers, and other chemicals can drain off into local bodies of water, reducing water quality and harming local marine life. When left standing too long, it can harbor pests and become a breeding ground for mosquitos.

Additionally, storm water that is not handled in your yard can wind up seeping into a neighbor’s property. This can damage relationships and even leave you with liability issues. However, with proper management, you can eliminate issues with storm water drainage in your yard.

How to Manage Storm Water

One of the best options for keeping storm water draining from your yard is a catch basin. This is a drainage inlet that collects rainwater and runoff from driveways, roofs, sidewalks, and paved areas of your yard.

The catch basin is a rectangular box that sits below ground level. There’s a grate on the top to allow water to enter while keeping debris out. Water collects in the catch basin, then drains into nearby sewers using gravity. If your property is large, you can use several catch basins connected to each other to create a network of pipes and ensure good drainage in your yard.

To be most effective, catch basins should be installed in the areas of the yard that collect the most water. Always make sure that a basin has an acceptable outlet, since you will otherwise just be transferring a problem down the line. A hole will need to be dug for the catch basin itself and trenches will need to be made to connect your basin to a nearby sewer line.

Stormy weather doesn’t have to mean a yard that’s unusable for days. By getting the right system installed in your yard, you can dry it out quickly and prevent water damage to your plants and your home. Need ideas? Contact Irrigation Outlet for suggestions for the best storm water system for your home.