Facebook What Are the Options for Watering My Lawn?

What Are the Options for Watering My Lawn?

Posted by: Irrigation Outlet

Home Lawn Watering Options

Three Types of Irrigation Systems to Consider

Everyone can appreciate the natural beauty of a well-kept landscape. Part of achieving this involves knowing the right way to water your lawn. Having the right irrigation system is the key to cultivating a lush, vibrant outdoor environment. There are several factors that come into play in deciding which type is needed. As you choose an irrigation system, you may want to consider the size of the area you want to water, how frequently it needs water, and the climate you are living in. Use these factors to help decide what type of sprinkler system will work best for your yard.

1. In-Ground Irrigation Systems

What could be easier than watering your lawn with the push of a button? In-ground irrigation systems allow you to do so. When these underground systems are activated, sprinkler heads pop out of the ground and begin watering. Underground systems work well for watering the front, back, and sides of the home as well as landscaping and garden areas.

Additionally, if you have a lake or pond on your property, you may want to consider pairing this with your in-ground irrigation system. This method of eco-friendly watering allows you to feed your lawn with natural water and saves you big money on your water bill.

2. Types of Sprinklers

There are many types of sprinklers out there to meet your needs. Fixed sprinklers allow fast and precise watering, perfect for small areas of a garden or landscape. Impact sprinklers work well for large areas such as the front and back yard. They feature adjustable patterns and are wind-resistant. Oscillating sprinklers create a fan-shaped waterfall pattern as they move back and forth. Traveling sprinklers are another option. They resemble little tractors that make their way through your yard and drag the water hose behind them.

3. Continuous Drip Systems

Continuous Drip systems work through long, hose-like strips that are placed across your lawn. Water flows through a filter and pressure regulator into a series of hoses or pipes. The water is then delivered to your desired location. A timer controls continuous drip systems. Their main advantage is that they water your soil without getting other areas, such as your porch and driveway, wet.

According to Organic Gardening, well-designed drip systems may use up to half as much water as traditional sprinkler systems do. Drip irrigation systems deliver water directly to the root zone of the plant. This allows the water to seep slowly into the soil around the plant and does not waste water on surrounding weeds. They are especially beneficial for garden areas as they eliminate the need to drag out the hose and sprinklers. Another benefit is that plants watered with these systems grow faster and have an improved yield. For those interested in trying out drip irrigation, starter kits are available to cover areas large and small.

Need help in deciding what type of irrigation will work best for you? The experts at Irrigation Outlet can answer all your questions. Contact us or call us at 803-461-0561.