Facebook How do I know if I have lawn pests? - Irrigation Outlet

How do I know if I have lawn pests?

Posted by: Irrigation Outlet

lawn pests

Lawn pests bugging you? Here’s how to get rid of them and keep them from ruining your hard work.

You work hard to keep your lawn lush and green. But, lawn pests can come in and make your lawn brown, patchy or otherwise unsightly. Is your lawn not looking its best? One of these common lawn pests may be to blame.


These are the larvae of beetles. They feed on grass roots, which can kill your lawn. Additionally, small predators such as birds may dig up your lawn in search of these pests. If you have chafer grubs, nematodes or pesticides can help remove them from your lawn.

Mole Crickets

Every area of the country has a species of this common lawn pest. They burrow through the soil in pursuit of insects and decaying vegetable matter, leaving behind irregular brown patches and spongy soil. You can check to see if you have mole crickets by drenching the lawn and seeing if they emerge. Pesticides are the normal treatment to remove these insects from your lawn.

Cinch Bugs

These insects usually attack the sunny areas of your yard. The tiny insects suck the moisture out of individual blades of grass and emit a toxin that loosens grass roots. They are small and hard to see but have black bodies with shiny, white wings. They live in the crowns of your grass. They can be detected by searching with the naked eye or by drenching the grass to see if they float up. Insecticides are the usual treatment to remove these pests from your lawn.

Japanese Beetles

When you see adult Japanese beetles in your yard, be on the lookout for damage to your lawn. The beetles lay eggs in the grass, and the resulting grubs soon begin eating your lawn at the roots. Apply insecticides that control Japanese beetles at the grub stage can break the life cycle and keep this pest from destroying your lawn and garden.

Once you know what is damaging your lawn, the next step is finding exactly the right cure. Have questions? Contact Irrigation Outlet for advice.