Facebook How a Proper Drainage System Can Protect Your Foundation

How a Proper Drainage System Can Protect Your Foundation

Posted by: Irrigation Outlet


A building’s foundation is one of its most important aspects. It is the structure the entire building is built upon and must be maintained in order for the building to stand the test of time. The first step for preserving this vital part of your structure is to construct a proper drainage system.

Drain Water Away from the Foundation

Over time, water will corrode the foundation. The strength of the foundation will decline and costly repairs will have to be made. Installing a sump pump might be helpful to move water away from the foundation. Sump pumps are used to move water to a municipal storm drain or dry well where it will no longer cause problems.
Many people also install landscape drainage system that will permanently take care of the foundation. There are a variety of options such as French drain systems and dry well system. Piping downspouts and installing catch basins and channel drains can help keep surface water away from your foundation.

Prevent Health Risks

Water is also a vital nutrient for mold and other plants that might be looking for a surface to grow onto. Not only can the roots of these plants degrade the foundation but mold can also spread inside of the foundation and cause health concerns for the people inside of the building. Prevent mold growth on the foundation with a proper drainage system.
Anyone with concerns about the structural integrity of their foundation should ensure that they have a proper drainage system. Contact Irrigation Outlet today for more information!