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Drip Irrigation Creates Fantastic Gardens

Posted by: Irrigation Outlet

Garden with drip irrigation

Drip irrigation systems reduce labor, save water, and automatically irrigate gardens to help plants thrive.

An automated drip irrigation system creates a garden that waters itself. These systems control water usage and maximize the benefits of irrigation without wasting water. The water drips slowly on the root area of the plants either from the surface or directly in the root zone below the surface.

Water Shortages

In parts of the United States, water shortage is becoming a critical factor that is creating a state of emergency. California could run out of water this year. On May 6, 2015, regulators in California issued new water restrictions, encouraging homeowners to conserve water at the cost of the health of their lawns. Wells have run dry.
Even places without severe water restrictions benefit from drip irrigation systems. The reason is that these systems deliver exactly the amount of water that the plants need to thrive.

Water Conservation

Horticulture Update notes that drip irrigation systems save water due to exact placement of the water. There is less water waste from runoff or evaporation. Additionally, there is less water wasted on weeds, since the drip irrigation system puts the water precisely where the desirable plants are located.

Drip Irrigation System Design

Drip irrigation systems can be simple or complex. Easy-to-install kits are available. The simplest systems drip water at optimum rates using emitters to keep the ground surrounding the root area moist. Drip irrigation systems may be run by gravity feed or by using a garden hose.

Master valves can turn the water supply on and off. Timers operate the system by opening the master water valve at certain times of the day. In advanced systems, moisture-measuring devices, which integrate with the system, regulate when the water flow is operational and let the water flow only when needed.

The basic components of a drip irrigation system are:

  • Connection to a water source – City water, well water, captured rainwater, and waste (gray) water may be used.
  • Filtration when needed – Filtration is needed for dirty water sources. Filtration reduces the chance of delivery tubes clogging and extends the life of the system.
  • Delivery tubes – These may be purchased with either holes in them or for use with drip emitters.
  • Emitters to control the amount of water- These may be either pre-installed or can be punched into the drip tubing where they are needed.
  • Pumps as required – Pumps move water from wells or storage, create the pressure for long runs, and support high-pressure systems.
  • Timers and moisture measurement devices if desired – These turn the system on and off automatically.

Drip irrigation systems conserve water, deliver the water on a regular basis, and reduce labor to keep a garden in a perfectly irrigated condition. Contact us for state-of-the-art equipment or give us a call at (803) 461-0561 for expert advice on the best irrigation system for any garden.