Facebook 2 Secrets to a Perfect Lawn - Irrigation Outlet

2 Secrets to a Perfect Lawn

Posted by: Irrigation Outlet

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Along with choosing the right grass seed for your climate and your “microclimate” the secrets to the ideal emerald green lawn aren’t terribly mysterious.

Select Seed Carefully

For best results, choose a grass species that suits the region in which you live. You’ll also have to keep in mind your yard’s soil, in terms of pH level and texture (sandy, normal or clay-like it is), as well as how much sun or shade the area gets.

We carry a range of grass seeds that thrive in our southern climate, including heat-loving Bermudagrass. Centipede grass does especially well in southern yards with poorer soils. Zenith Zoysia is another regional favorite, but it can handle the occasional cold snap, as well as light shade conditions.

Don’t Over-Chop!

While it’s tempting to cut the grass down to the soil line in order to avoid having to mow it again too soon, you’d actually be creating more maintenance headaches for yourself down the line. The bottom two-thirds of grass blades are more likely to be damaged when cut into. They’re also thicker, meaning they can block water and sun if not raked up.

In contrast, the top one-third of a grass blade decomposes more quickly, so it won’t shade out the sun. Further, these tips will contribute just the right amount of oxygen when cut and left on the lawn. So set your mower to cut only one-inch down, for example, when your lawn reaches three inches.